The Realm of Torioness

More Fair & Balanced than the stuff you call "news".

Location: San Diego/Sonoma, California, United States

Monday, October 24, 2005

Globalization, Shmobilization

All of this talk of globalization has sparked attention in all of the wrong places. Are corporations outsourcing jobs to other countries? yes, just like they always have. And are smaller businesses now also outsourcing jobs to other countries? of course. And is this a huge problem for the American worker? Oh god yes. But what we are failing to realize is that American's don't care. The only way we are going to put our apathetic attitudes aside to care about something is if it has to do with food, sex or Tv. Last time I checked, globalization was still a hard word to pronounce and does not taste delicious. If the outsourcing of jobs were to lead to the cancelling of the hot girl's show on the food network so some Indian dude in New Delhi could do the job for cheaper, than maybe we'd have a social outrage on our hands. But the people who make decisions know not to fuck with our hot chicks.

Some of you may be saying, "But Torio, don't American's care that their jobs are leaving and will never return?"

Nope. There's a new episode of LOST on tonight dude.

Or maybe, "Won't the outsourcing of jobs indirectly lead to the affecting of people's ability to afford food, sex and Tv?"

Yes, but as American's we don't look at things like that, if we did we wouldn't have this problem to begin with. And if you can't afford food, sex or Tv you pretty much relinquish your rights as an American, and move into the homeless/insane category, which is located somewhere right above the terrorists but just below Andy Dick.

You're most likely feeling one of two things right now: 1. You don't care. or 2. You think you care, but you really don't care.

I will adress both of you:
Person 1 - I'm not going to sit here and say you should care, because I honestly don't care if you care. But let me just paint the picture of what would happen if you could somehow find that soul of yours long enough to care about something like this. Okay close your eyes... okay how long did you keep them closed before you realized that you couldn't keep reading what I was saying? Awesome. Okay, picture an America where people put a pride in their jobs and work to the same point we put pride in our SUV's and Law&Order's/CSI's. Okay, now do you see jobs still being outsourced? Well you should, cause corporate America doesn't give a shit what the hell you care about. So I am proposing to you today, care not about the outsourcing of American jobs, care about the fact that if you wanted to care about outsourcing, it wouldn't matter. Also, care about the buffalo, cause if you don't, who will? Not me, I'm busy.

Person 2 - Wise up.

In short, America is being purchased by the rich elite and they don't even need to supply us with mindless labor to appease us anymore, Tv will handle that for them. Now, lets face it, I am gonna be insanely loaded any day now, and I think it's important for me to tell you now that I intend on forgetting all of you on my way to the top. So don't say I "sold out", cause I won't be listening. Also, vote for me, cause I'll probably be running for something.

Loving my new Gilmore Girls poster,

Let it be known - Detour Sonoma and The Star better watch the fuck out, cause The Realm of Torioness is coming for you. We're the only Sonoma State University news organization with any real substance.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sad to say you are on to something here,now I have to go polish my resume up

-Andy Dick

12:09 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I like your writing style, for now we will remain anonymous. But we are reading and taking notes, expect a call soon with an offe. Be prepared to move quickly, pack a bag now.

-NY Times

4:48 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I watch u take showers.

6:33 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Where is Tori Amos?

11:15 PM  

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