Harriet Miers and Lewis Libby quit. What pussies. But what tickles my curiosity over the whole situation is this: Do they not understand just exactly what being a Bush cronie is about? or Is part of being a Bush cronie quitting when you start to get Bush bad publicity?
Lets explore a few possibilities, shall we.
Are Miers and Libby spineless cowards who don't understand the Bush cronie formula?
Miers - No, and here is why. The reason Harriet Miers was so underqualified is b
ecause she is actually the Crypt Keeper from the American Favorite "Tales of the Crypt." And don't even try to say the Crypt Keeper is a spineless coward, cause you will be opening a pandora's box of pain if you do. Okay, now bear with me on this, but doesn't Harriet Miers look a little too similar to the Crypt Keeper. I mean give that guy a nose and a little work with the hair and whamo, you have yourself Harriet Miers. You might say "Why would having the Crypt Keeper on the supreme court be worth all the work?" Well I know a lot of things, but I'm not even going to start and try to explain to you why George Bush pulls some of the things he does. But two reasons Bush might have tried this may be: 1. Because he liked the show. 2. Because the Crypt Keeper is a good guy to have on your side. I mean he keeps the crypt, enough said. Good effort though George, might I reccommend trying to get Bazooka Joe elected to the supreme court next. He seems like he would have a lot to offer, plus he already has his own cronies, so I bet he just "gets it".
Libby - Yeah, he's a spineless coward. His nickname is Scooter, and he doesn't resemble any cool Tv or comic characters.
Is part of being a Bush cronie, quitting when you start to get Bush bad publicity?
Well that depends, it's not like Bush has gone this far relying on a good public image. And people like Karl Rove, Donald Rumsfeld, Dick Cheney and good ol' Condi Rice aren't exactly good publicity generators. No, a Bush cronie doesn't need to avoid bad publicity, he or she just needs to know how to deal with it. And by deal with it I mean say to the general public "Shut the fuck up, this is in the best interest of you and the country." For example, when Libby got indicited he panicked, and said something like he's confident that he will be exonerated of all charges. Big mistake. You're a Bush cronie dude, act like it. He should have said, "Yeah, I leaked that CIA bitch's name, what of it? She was clearly working for Al Qaeda." Proving that she was working for Al Qaeda wouldn't even be necessary, you and the Bush administration would just "stay the course" until people stopped caring. That's cronism at its finest.
Well I think we covered a lot here, and I don't think I'm alone when I say that I hope the Crypt Keeper gets back on his horse cause he's been out of the spotlight for too long.
Not quitting yet,
Lets explore a few possibilities, shall we.
Are Miers and Libby spineless cowards who don't understand the Bush cronie formula?
Miers - No, and here is why. The reason Harriet Miers was so underqualified is b

Libby - Yeah, he's a spineless coward. His nickname is Scooter, and he doesn't resemble any cool Tv or comic characters.
Is part of being a Bush cronie, quitting when you start to get Bush bad publicity?
Well that depends, it's not like Bush has gone this far relying on a good public image. And people like Karl Rove, Donald Rumsfeld, Dick Cheney and good ol' Condi Rice aren't exactly good publicity generators. No, a Bush cronie doesn't need to avoid bad publicity, he or she just needs to know how to deal with it. And by deal with it I mean say to the general public "Shut the fuck up, this is in the best interest of you and the country." For example, when Libby got indicited he panicked, and said something like he's confident that he will be exonerated of all charges. Big mistake. You're a Bush cronie dude, act like it. He should have said, "Yeah, I leaked that CIA bitch's name, what of it? She was clearly working for Al Qaeda." Proving that she was working for Al Qaeda wouldn't even be necessary, you and the Bush administration would just "stay the course" until people stopped caring. That's cronism at its finest.
Well I think we covered a lot here, and I don't think I'm alone when I say that I hope the Crypt Keeper gets back on his horse cause he's been out of the spotlight for too long.
Not quitting yet,
I would love to hear your thoughts on the crony who is now heading up our flu vaccines. I think his qualifications include the following:
--Fundraiser for phi beta capa kegfest weekend, 1971
--Can type 50 WPM
--Can parallel park
--Knows the Clinton County movie times hotline by heart
what does it pay?
-C. Keeper
I just realized how much eye shadow Harriet uses... do you think it smears when she cries, because if she reads this blog, she's probably got skids marks down her face?
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