Peace My Babies
President Bush said in a conference today, "I don't see how you can be a partner in peace when you advocate the destruction of a country on your platform." This was in reference to the Hamas election's of over 77% of Palestinian leaders. It is apparently his fear that Hamas will advocate the destruction of Israel.
Yeesh, where shall I begin?
I suppose starting with the quote would be a little easy and obvious, but I like easy. And it would be easy for many of you to sit here and say, "What a hypocrite Bush is, saying how can a party say they're for peace yet advocate for the destruction of a country when he himself is doing the exact same thing in Iraq." Well, you could chose to interpret that way, if you're a jerk. Or you can read between the lines for the message that is really being construed Bush: "Hey Hamas, if you ever figure out how to be a partner in peace while still getting to blow crap up please text message me on my blackberry immediately on how to do it." See this is just a learning experience for Bush, kind of like the last six years.
You might not have gotten that, but Hamas did.
Let's read between the lines some more shall we. Whenever you hear a politician say something along the lines of "I cannot support the country of *fill in with pretty much and Middle Eastern country* if they are for the disestablishment of Israel." What that really means is that I hope to God you don't stop hating on Israel, because there's still a lot more money to be made in the Middle East.
Now some of you may be wondering just what Hamas is all about. And that I have an easy answer to. Hamas is an acronym that stands for Harakat al-Muqawamah al-Islamiyyah, and I think that name pretty much explains itself.
Stay a While,
Yeesh, where shall I begin?
I suppose starting with the quote would be a little easy and obvious, but I like easy. And it would be easy for many of you to sit here and say, "What a hypocrite Bush is, saying how can a party say they're for peace yet advocate for the destruction of a country when he himself is doing the exact same thing in Iraq." Well, you could chose to interpret that way, if you're a jerk. Or you can read between the lines for the message that is really being construed Bush: "Hey Hamas, if you ever figure out how to be a partner in peace while still getting to blow crap up please text message me on my blackberry immediately on how to do it." See this is just a learning experience for Bush, kind of like the last six years.
You might not have gotten that, but Hamas did.
Let's read between the lines some more shall we. Whenever you hear a politician say something along the lines of "I cannot support the country of *fill in with pretty much and Middle Eastern country* if they are for the disestablishment of Israel." What that really means is that I hope to God you don't stop hating on Israel, because there's still a lot more money to be made in the Middle East.
Now some of you may be wondering just what Hamas is all about. And that I have an easy answer to. Hamas is an acronym that stands for Harakat al-Muqawamah al-Islamiyyah, and I think that name pretty much explains itself.
Stay a While,
his speech was embarrasing, and at times needed subtitles,with the tag "What he really meant was..."
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