The Realm of Torioness

More Fair & Balanced than the stuff you call "news".

Location: San Diego/Sonoma, California, United States

Wednesday, November 16, 2005

Saddam Gets Punched

Saddam Hussein was being questioned for his trial when he insulted two Shia saints. Apparently this is not cool in Iraq, because it lead to two court clerks punching him several times. So awesome. I always knew there was something wrong with our judicial system, but could never quite put my finger on it, this is it. We need to punch more people. I mean okay so Saddam crushed the Shia rebellion in southern Iraq, no biggie we'll just simply have the court system deal with that. But, open your big mouth during court preceedings, and bam you're gonna get punched bitch.

Could you imagine if this happened more often in American courts? I wouldn't mind seeing Judge Judy getting roughed up a bit. Let me paint the picture for you: she's off one of her tirades about how some guy shouldn't have lit her girlfriend's couch on fire even if it was in his house, and then whamo her big black baliff just pops her one right in the teeth. This is just one example of how a good punch from time to time can really fix our broken judicial system.

It should be noted that while there are very few times in which punching in the court room is not the right answer, there are a couple. One is never punch the court reporter, it affects her typing, and two never punch me, I don't like it.

In an unrelated story, I was playing raquetball with Karl Rove the other day and it turns out the following people are CIA agents:
  • Andy Ferrette
  • Peter LaFleur
  • every Tom you know
  • Rosario Dawson
  • Gumby
  • George Costanza

Recognizing that I was sexist somewhere in this post,


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Glad to see you pickup on the Saddam punching story. I smile everytime I read that kind of stuff.

11:55 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Torio I don't want to go to NY, can you call Towers and kill the deal

-X. Nady

1:26 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Shia saints? Friend, Shia Labeouf is NO saint.

I can legally certify that George Costanza isn't a CIA agent, but that Tom from Myspace...oh boy, there's a can of worms you won't see *this* guy opening...

2:31 PM  

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