The Realm of Torioness

More Fair & Balanced than the stuff you call "news".

Location: San Diego/Sonoma, California, United States

Saturday, November 19, 2005

This Might Get a Little Awkward

Guess who got hot? If you guessed Hermione Granger, played by Emma Watson in the Harry Potter movies, you nailed it. Although I have not seen the 4th Harry Potter movie, Harry Potter & the Goblet of Fire, I have seen Miss Watson on a magazine cover while waiting in line to purchase my delicious treats at the supermarket. And it seems as though she successfully avoided that awkward stage so many young ladies hit around this time of their lives. You might be wondering exactly what stage of her life she's in, well she's in the stage where she finally gets a blog written about her on TRoT, aka super stardom stage.

Unfortunately, she is also at the stage in her life where she's only 16 years old. You might be feeling a little weird about the fact that we have been discussing a 16 year old lady, but let me make something clear before you write me off as insane. In two years, she'll be 18 and I will only be 21, so that is totally socially acceptable. So listen Emma, as long as you still have that cool British accent go ahead and give me a call in a couple of years. Also, if you want to increase your chances at any long term relationship, you should proably start honing your cooking and laundry skills now.

Anywho, that won't be for another couple years, so lets move on. Lets talk about something both more important and interesting than Harry Potter and its cast. Me. I am awesome.

Okay, I am glad we cleared that up.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Master Torio, thank you for your kind words. Talk to you soon.

8:14 AM  

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